
Money- Back Guarantee

What is the refund policy? We have a 100% Money-Back Guarantee policy that covers you for a full refund if your SIM or eSIM is not working how it is meant to. Please be aware that in order for the Mo…

Updated by Mona

If your device is locked overseas

We make it really clear that our SIMs only work in unlocked phones ! ⚠️ If you're overseas with our SIM and you pop it into your locked phone, you may get an error telling you the SIM isn't valid or…

Updated by Supriti

Returns Policy

If you've bought the wrong SIM or change your mind about the SIM, you can definitely return it to us for a full refund!

Updated by Supriti

What if my SIM doesn't arrive before I leave?

There's always a chance that your SIM won't arrive before you fly out! 🙈 If there's a postage delay and it doesn't reach you in time, we're happy to give you a full refund for the SIM and we just ask…

Updated by Supriti

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